
Technology Forecast

CyberThinc Technology Forecast

Strategic Foresight Consultancy

Strategic foresight is a form of future focused strategy that is very applicable to a wide range of domains, and is an area of consultancy that CyberThinc can draw upon its expertise in technology trend analysis, mathematical modelling, significant technical knowledge and practical technical experience, as well as professional training. CyberThinc brings real scientific and technical rigour to the area of strategic foresight / futurology.
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Technology Trend Analysis

Technology Trend Analysis is an area of consultancy that CyberThinc has been called upon to use for a number of clients, and an area in which we have developed considerable expertise.
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Mathematical Modelling

CyberThinc can provide mathematical modelling for clients, and in fact, the Strategic Foresight, Technology Trend Analysis and Systems Engineering have all required Mathematical Modelling. The type of Mathematical Modelling is varied, and can range from Game Theory to Markov Chain Monte Carlo Methods and Karhunen Louve Transforms.
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IT architecture diagram

CyberThinc IT architecture diagram

Enterprise & IT Architecture

CyberThinc has been involved in IT architecture at various levels for over a decade, ranging from high level Enterprise Architecture using TOGAF and MODAF to functional level solutions using UML.
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Web Consultancy

With approaching 20 years practical experience of all aspects relating to the world wide web, and over 25 years experience with the internet from back when it was in a much more basic form, CyberThinc can offer a level of experienced consultancy few others can match.
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Internet of Things Consultancy

The Internet of Things is a consultancy domain in which CyberThinc can bring its wealth of practical experience coupled with deep knowledge of the technical, economic and social dimensions associated with the Internet of Things.
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Systems Engineering Consultancy

Systems engineering is a key CyberThinc consultancy discipline, and one which has applications across a range of domains. Complex, and multi faceted, systems engineering consultancy has been required by aerospace industry clients of CyberThinc. There is crossover too with the IT Architecture consultancy, most notably with application frameworks such as TOGAF and MODAF.